This week I attended the Southern Baptist Convention in Indianapolis, Indiana. Before I left to go this year, I asked myself, why am I going? Here are some reasons the SBC is such a worthwhile adventure for me.
First, the meeting for Directors of Missions is very helpful for me. This event is held on Sunday and Monday before the SBC officially begins. DOMs from around the country gather together for fellowship and learning. Because most of the DOMs are much older than me, I learn a great deal from their wisdom and mentoring.
Resources from Lifeway, NAMB, and the IMB are also shared during this time. The presidents of all the different agencies put it on their schedule every year to come and speak at the DOM meeting. This time gives me a great overview about what is taking place in the SBC.
A second major reason to attend the SBC is that it really helps us to build partnerships for the CBA. This year I met several people who have said they will be making a trip to Wisconsin to visit us. Several others shared with me that they are interested in partnering with us to share their resources.
The third reason I keep going is to strengthen existing relationships and build new ones. Although I believe in e-mail, Facebook, and phone calls, there is nothing like a face-to-face encounter. Seeing people in person really helps to build relationships in effective ways.
Next year the SBC is going to be in Louisville, KY. For those of us in Wisconsin, that is not too far a drive. If the Lord is leading you to go, I strongly encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity. For all of this year's video, you can go to to check out what really goes on during the SBC.
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