Friday, June 13, 2008

Disaster Relief Workers Needed

As the flood waters have come into our 17 counties in south central and south west Wisconsin, we are now in need of people to help with disaster relief. The Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention feeding unit has been set up at Trinity Baptist Church in Reedsburg. You can get the directions to Trinity at

We have put the details of what is needed on our web site at Both trained and untrained people can be used of God in this situation. Dave and Jeanne Wedekind, our Disaster Relief Coordinators for the MWBC, are helping to coordinate the operation in Reedsburg.

Our understanding is that there is another feeding unit on the way from Mississippi to come help in Platteville starting next week. The feeding unit in Reedsburg is now in full operation and hot meals are being served.

Please be in prayer for the many victims who are experiencing great trials during this time. Towns and villages all over the area of the Central Baptist Association are being affected by this season of flooding. I'm sure many of you have seen the videos and pictures on national news. Thank you for your concern and your prayers.

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