Thursday, January 28, 2010

Workshops Bring Learning and Encouragement to Churches in the Central Association

From January 23 to January 25 the churches of the Central Baptist Association in Wisconsin hosted three different workshops from Next Level Leadership. These workshops focused in on conflict, personality profiles, and mastering the art of communication. We are thankful for the churches who hosted these events and for Virgil Grant of Next Level and Clint Calvert of the Minnesota-Wisconsin Baptist Convention for helping us lead these seminars. Much was leaned throughout the three days from church leaders who came from all across the CBA.

"Transforming Conflict and Strife into Synergy" was the workshop that took place on Saturday at Campus Community Church. This workshop helps leaders to discover their own individual conflict profiles and there is also an inventory that helps churches to discover how they handle conflict as a team. Many comments were given at the end of the workshop how helpful this teaching has been for their churches.

One quote that came from the workbook said, "I have never learned anything from a person who did not disagree with me." The idea that conflict can be good and healthy is a principle that is taught in the material. The idea of teams and committees needing to disagree with divergent ideas is important. Then teams come converge with the plan that will move them forward. Campus Community Church hosted this event and 22 people from CBA churches participated in this one day workshop.

On Sunday the DISC personality profile was taught at Waterbrook Community Bible Church in Tomah. Nineteen people from Waterbrook Church including the pastor John Schmidt participated in this three hour workshop. The people who attended discovered if they personality took on the tendency of being dominant, influential, steady, or conscientious. There was a great deal of enthusiasm and excitement throughout the afternoon as people find out about themselves and each other. We thank the Lord for being at work in the lives of the people at Waterbrook.

"Mastering the Art of Communication" was the Monday all day workshop attended by eleven people from CBA churches and a church who is part of the Madison African American Council of Churches. One of the great quotes from the book says, "The purpose of replacing sinful adn unwise habits of communication with biblical habits of communication is to glorify God and sanctify human relationships."

We thank the Lord for being able to bring these high quality workshops to the leaders of our churches. Many thanks goes to the leadership at the North American Mission Board. We also thank all the churches across the Southern Baptist Convention who give to the Cooperative Program. The estimated cost of the weekend was more than $2,500. Thank you for your gifts to the cause for Christ that goes beyond your own churches.

If you would like to bring a workshop to your church, please contact the CBA office at 608-825-9946. For a listing of all the workshops available you can find them online at

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