Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pray for Family Fest

For those who might not have heard, Family Fest is coming to the Wisconsin Dells next month the dates of July 19-23. Family Fest is a ministry event where the seeds of the gospel are sown through ministry activities and a concentrated presence of Christ followers. This year we are blessed to have 86 people coming from different states outside of Wisconsin. We also have more than 20 people registered from the CBA.

With that in mind we know there is a great need for prayer. Currently, we are working with River of Life Church in Portage and Pine Valley Church in the Dells to coordinate this event. We would like to especially thank Pine Valley Church for partnering with us to see the gospel spread and Jesus glorified in the Dells area.

Here are some specific ways you can pray for this event as we are now making final preparations:

1. Pray for Kristy Carr who serves as the national Women's Missionary Union Ministry Consultant. Pray for wisdom and discernment as she makes decisions to match volunteers with ministry requests.

2. Pray for the 86 volunteers from around the United States as they are going through training and preparation to come to Family Fest.

3. Pray for the local leaders as they begin final planning.

Thank you for your prayers for these requests. If you have any questions about this event or how you can help, please feel free to call the CBA office at 608-825-9946.

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