Leading and Multiplying Leaders through Coaching
A One Day Orientation
Dino Senesi and John M. Bailey
But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth (Acts 1:8 NAS).
So, how are we doing?
• In North America?
• With our Friends?
• In Our Communities?
• Among the Nations?
What does God’s vision for the future look like?
How can I lead and multiply more leaders?
How can God use coaching to help?
What is Coaching?
“Coaching is the relational process of co-operating with the Holy Spirit that unlocks a person’s God-given potential so that they become more like Christ and make their unique contribution to the Kingdom.”
Steve Addison
1. The Concise Oxford Dictionary defines the verb to coach as to ‘tutor, train, give hints to, prime with facts’. However, these things can be done in many ways, some of which bear no relationship to coaching.
2. Coaching is as much about the way these things are done as about what is done.
3. The coachee acquires facts, not from the coach, but from within himself, stimulated by the coach.
4. Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.
5. Mentoring, a word which originates in Greek mythology, in which it is reported that Odysseus, when setting out for Troy, entrusted his house and the education of his son Telemachus to his friend, Mentor. ‘Tell him all you know’ Odysseus said, and thus unwittingly set some limits to mentoring.
6. In spite of the definitions of mentoring (and the variety of names it is given, from coaching to counseling to sponsorship) all the experts and communicators appear to agree that it has its origins in the concept of apprenticeship, when an older, more experienced individual passed down his knowledge of how the task was done and to operate in the commercial world.
7. Coaching is about helping people solve their own problems, not telling them what to do.
8. Coaching is a radical belief in people, practiced in a consistent, disciplined way in order to help others grow.
9. Coaching is a relationship.
10. Coaching is helping people become great decisions makers – not helping them make a right decision.
11. Coaching is an exercise of faith. It is believing that if I take my hands off of an individual’s life that God will step in and do something incredible through their lives.
12. God is more interested in who you are becoming than in what you are doing.
13. Giving responsibility to others instead of taking responsibility for them is a key to developing leaders.
How Can I Use Coaching to Advance The Kingdom of God?
1. Coaching is a great way to help individuals mature in their faith and become disciples to make disciples.
2. Coaching is a great way to develop leaders.
3. Coaching is a great way to guide individuals who have leadership responsibilities.
4. Coaching is a great way to become a better husband, wife, parent and friend.
“I am convinced that coaching is key to making and multiplying disciples, to raising and reproducing leaders, to starting and multiplying churches.” Bob Logan
Leading and Multiplying Leaders is a one day overview to introduce you to the potential of coaching as a tool for transformation.
Topics in this interactive orientation will include:
Coaching Defined
Asking Powerful Questions
Clearing the Fog
The Coaching Journey
Listening To Influence
Leading Leaders
Multiplication Systems Design
How Coaching Fits
Conference Leader
Dino Senesi is currently the Director of Church Multiplication at the South Carolina Baptist Convention. He is a certified coach through CoachNet International Ministries founded by Bob Logan. He has also been trained through The Pastor’s Coaching Network, founded by Steve Cloud and facilitated by Tony Stoltzfus.
His formal coaching experience began in 2002 as a recipient of coaching. He has coached Southern Baptists leaders including church planters, pastors, staff, and denominational workers. He previously served as a pastor in New Orleans and a North American Mission Board appointed Director of Missions in Cincinnati.
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