Sunday, January 13, 2008


The best Christmas present that I received in 2006 was an I-pod from my wife. I actually did not even it use the i-pod the first week that I had it in my possession. I think Debbie was a little disappointed that I was not excited.

But as 2007 started I began to find about the availability of free podcasts. I started listening to a number of different speakers on a variety of subjects. Some of my favorite ones over the past year include the following:

Dave Ramsey on Finances =
North American Mission Board on church planting -
Sermons by John Piper, Andy Stanley, Mark Driscoll, Ed Young, Jr. and many more preachers
Leadership Development from

These are only a sampling of the free podcasts that are available free online. If you have some podcasts you would like to recommend, please share them on this blog.

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